Media Village Nigeria is part of the international ministry called Youth With A Mission (YWAM). It was started by Anne Abok who studied with us in South Africa (Media Village Africa). They are currently running the School of Video Production (SVP) which gives students excellent technical skills that range from camera work, to lighting, sound, script writing and editing.
With a focus on capturing stories of the Nigeria and Africa as a whole they want to deliver a message of hope through Jesus Christ. Films and short videos have the power to impact our nations and communicate God's heart. It is with regard that Anne decided to start a Media Village focused on training young people in her country.
The School of Video Production is the key to unlocking the door of young people's imagination. Hence Media Nigeria run its first school last year 2005 with great success. This year the second school is already in session. Unfortunately with pioneering a new school and ministry comes with difficulties and Anne has had to work very hard in making sure she covers all areas to make this year's school a success again. At the moment she has a very low number of staff members in her team. Hence she has asked me come and help her in the area of Post Production and teaching of editing and other elements involved in Post Production for three weeks. So I hope to go to Nigeria in June and help her out. If in anyway you can help make this possible please do contact me through my email and let me know. Your prayers and financial support will be appreciated.
It has been said that minds of millions of people are influenced by the dreams and visions of one creative producer or director. Media Village Nigeria hopes to create a generation of young people who will influence Africa as a whole with the good news of Jesus. So join me in making this possible.
cell: 27 72 4100 104